Hi🙋🏾‍♀️, I’m Oreoluwa. Here’s a template I made for product briefs and I decided to make it public. This is a template that puts your initial assumptions, facts, goals, and other relevant information regarding a design projects in writing.

Product Name

<aside> 💡 What product would you be working on?


Client Name

<aside> 💡 Who would you be working for?



<aside> 💡 Describe the project throughly. Would you be designing a website, app or a general redesign?


For example: “A scaleable website that provide company information to users anonymously will be designed. For this project, the major focus is how users will join the app and be giving a new identity. Each user will be able to filter company to either add or view information about a chosen company...


<aside> 💡 State the goal of the project and its expected benefit to business as well as to users.


For example: “We want to add a more intuitive feature that lets you input a number of educational challenges and will automatically suggest tutors offering them as an added service

Target Audience

<aside> 💡 Who are you designing for? Why is this necessary?


For example: “Our primary users are parents who demand tutors for their wards. This feature introduces speed and efficiency as it gives them a feature that inputs the distinctive needs\of their ward(s).